Xiaxue’s iPhone Fiasco: Entertaining But Negative For Singapore’s Social Media Scene

I read about Xiaxue’s iPhone blunder via Sheylara two days ago, and here’s the video in question:

The (new) Mediaslut posts:

If I was Apple, I would fight back, take Xiaxue out for lunch, give her the spill on the iPhone and work on convincing her why the iPhone is better than the Chinese fake!

Spot on. For Apple.

But the (new) Mediaslut also says:

Xiaxue’s post about the Apple iPhone is a social media practitioner’s dream come true.

Think of it. A local Singapore blogger get globalised all because of a video review.

Really? Sure, it’s entertaining for two minutes, but for all of us web 2.0 evangelists and social media junkies, especially those on the agency side, let’s step back and look at the bigger picture.

We’re firm believers in what social media can do for us, personally or for a business. But in all likelihood we have to pitch this to a supervisor or client, for their approval. Now, what do you think an MNC client will do if we suggest blogs? One thing they might do is Google “popular Singapore blogs” or some variation of it, to see who’s active in this scene. Who’ll they find? Mr. Brown at #1 and Xiaxue at #2.

Is that going to inspire confidence in them and convince them that Singapore’s social media scene is worth investing in? For better or worse, Xiaxue is arguably the public face of Singapore’s blogosphere, and those looking at social media for the first time may not look beyond that to find the others in the long tail actually contributing and adding value to the social media scene. Is it any wonder businesses in Singapore don’t seem to take blogs seriously?

Reading about social media in Asia, we don’t have many of the problems facing our neighbours that obstruct social media. We don’t have the low internet penetration of Indonesia, nor the geographical issues of India. And yet out social media scene in the business setting is sadly lacking. Is this a possible reason why?

I think it’s okay for us social media evangelists in the fishbowl to see an issue like this and laugh it off as an inside joke. But we have to remember that as the main advocates of this media, there is more at stake. We need to recognise that yes, it does put us on the map, but the implications of that are not always positive.

What we cannot do is be insular and blind to the concerns and issues this raises to the large majority of people who are not in our same fishbowl – those looking in deciding whether this fishbowl is a nice place to swim in.

And we need to know how to tackle these issues, reassure concerns and look your client who just saw that video in the eye and say without hesitation: the water’s fine. come swim.

Because if we don’t, who will?

Edit: In case you don’t read the comments, the (new) Media Slut wrote an excellent post in reply to this post which you should check out. I think it’s a really good conversation that’s taking place (and we’re not taking directly opposing views if you ask me), and it would be great if you would comment either here or at Media Slut to enhance our conversation.

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10 Responses to “Xiaxue’s iPhone Fiasco: Entertaining But Negative For Singapore’s Social Media Scene”

  1. aw Says:

    I think the larger, and scarier picture that most people so far have failed to notice is that it demonstrates a parallel between Apple fanboys and Muslim extremists.

    Allah cartoon – Die, infidels! Burn in hell! Kill them all!

    Bad iPhone review! – Die, idiot! No one is allowed to believe that the iPhone is anything but the Jesus phone! No one is entitled to their own opinion! That’s why I’m irrationally outraged and furiously posting comments!

  2. @Unique Frequency: Here’s why businesses are not using social media, yet! | the(new)mediaslut Says:

    […] Unique Frequency, Is that going to inspire confidence in them and convince them that Singapore’s social media […]

  3. tinana Says:

    On a micro level, if I was Apple, I would not advertise with Xiaxue, cuz there’s no branding fit! As for xx, you either hate or love her, so other than fashion, beauty and dining, other brands should consider wisely before using someone like xx.

    Besides, advertisers don’t have to start with the most popular blogger to be talking about the product/service. You know, the long tail? Volume is better than just xx cuz most people rely on Google to research. And there are more ways to reach this crowd other than popular (or really hated but secretly stalked) famous bloggers.

    Here’s a good summary on popularity of bloggers for marketers:
    Social Media Influencers: You Don’t Have to Be Popular to Be Influential

  4. Daryl Tay Says:

    Thanks for the link! I actually vaguely remember reading that! You’re right they don’t. The point that I’m saying is for the unaware company who just does that one search for what S’pore’s blogosphere is like, they may not like what they see. And if they don’t, I’m not sure they’d take the next step and look at the long tail instead.

  5. yin Says:

    I just saw the vidclip. She does bring up some interesting issues. Specially the bit bout the nails. Omg, am I turning into a bimbo now? Hahaha. Despite the fact that she may be projecting a sorta harmful image with regards to Singapore’s Social Media network, nonetheless a significant portion of the population listens to her and dare I say it, deems her a sort of goddess/guru when it comes to such things.

    Perhaps if we packaged the points she brought up but let it be read by someone else (someone a little less… decent and appropriate?), comments and critiques may be different. Still, shock factors work and businesses need to remember that females are beginning to make up the larger percentage of individuals with higher disposable incomes and a greater sense of consumer smarts. If say, XX is a sample of that demographic then some things need to be done else they’ll lose that market completely.

    Does this make sense?

  6. Daryl Tay Says:

    Exactly right! I kinda agree with Media Slut that it’s great that S’pore gets “put on the map”, I just wish if it were in another way with another person!

  7. yin Says:

    The hunt-for-more-pleasingly-appropriate-blogger who-will-eventually-be-the-icon that puts-us-on-the-map take place!

  8. Daily Tech: Save Windows XP « The Singapore Daily Says:

    […] Xiaxue iPhone Fiasco – Unique-Frequency: Xiaxue’s iPhone Fiasco: Entertaining But Negative For Singapore’s Social Media Scene – the(new)mediaslut: @Unique Frequency: Here’s why businesses are not using social media, […]

  9. KennyT Says:

    This only goes to show the level of shallowness that plagues out society today.

    The fact that a blogger who is famous for being dumb, strongly vocal about stuff she hardly knows about, acting slutty and just the Asian equivalent of white trash is being glorified because she’s now “globalized” by a YouTube video reviewing iPhone? She can’t review the urinal if she tried.

    That’s like saying you’re proud of the bus uncle in Hong Kong for being famous for his obnoxious behavior.

    Apple users are NOT smarter than the average computer user. Some of them are just more passionate about the products than others. Kinda like a football fan’s support for Arsenal or Man Utd. And, if you love to hate them… they love to hate you too.

    But gaining popularity for an inaccurate review, and reaping rewards for the sake of bad language and attacking a certain niche group is a cheap thrill. It’s like saying

    “You shouldn’t get a BMW 3 Series. It sucks @#$. Blind people can’t even drive it. BMWs are too cool for blind people. You should get this Hyundai instead”.

    Case in point. People with long acrylic nails will find it hard to… use a Nokia. Use a microwave oven, press a doorbell, play the piano, operate heavy machinery and become a gynaecologist. So what’s the fuss?

    Some people can find passion in what they do or own. Can you say that about yourself? When was the last time you were passionate about something?

    To Apple fanboy haters, well, You’ve probably never used an Apple product before so don’t talk out of your…

  10. Why Social Media Struggles In Singapore « Unique-Frequency Says:

    […] why social media is blooming slowly but not blossoming rapidly in Singapore. I’ve noted that we don’t have problems other countries do, but yet social media is still a very, very small slice of the […]

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