7 Things You Didn’t Know About My Social Media Journey

Jasmine from my social media class tagged me for a meme for “7 Useless Facts About Myself” and I thought this would be pretty cool to do, but I’d tweak it to fit the theme of the blog. So here we go:

  1. I had my first “blog” (well it was called a website then) in 1997 (when I was 13). Links and archives weren’t the norm back then, so basically each time I added in new info the page grew longer and longer and longer.
  2. Before blogging “seriously” at this blog, I’ve covered everything from comic books, music, movies, books, food, you name it.
  3. I used to be a guest writer for Fanboy planet (one article here) back in 2002
  4. The first friend I made online is also my closest. We met in a chat room.
  5. I was always very proud of my ICQ number having only 7 digits (early adopters rule!)
  6. Until I moved here, I blogged by manually tweaking html codes. ie manually inserting dates, links, pictures, etc by typing out the html codes.
  7. Despite being a very heavy web user from 1997, I’ve never made any money from it.

There you have it. I won’t tag anyone, but feel free to replicate this on your blog and share something fun about you and your passion!

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3 Responses to “7 Things You Didn’t Know About My Social Media Journey”

  1. Sarah Says:

    You take a class on social media? I’d like to learn more about that! Can you email me?

  2. Jasmine Shanea Says:

    Very interesting twist. Haha.. was crossing my fingers to see if YOU would do it. 🙂 THANK YOU for doing the meme!!

    I totally agree with #7. Wonders why… Maybe its a combi of lack of guts and knowledge

    At least you remember your ICQ number. I threw it out along with all my unwanted stuff. Soon the SMU notes and textbooks will follow suit.

  3. Daryl Tay Says:

    @Jasmine: Thank YOU for tagging me! Was nice to have something fun to do =)

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